Hi, I’m Aditya (01100001ditya), I’m a software engineer with experience in C,C++ and python, But i consider my self as tinker with hacker mentality. One who is curious about thing and system. From an early age, I have been driven by a fascination for making and breaking things.
During my Betech, I immersed myself in the world of computers and hardware, exploring the inner workings of machnine and system. That indeed increase my meataily and fuled my passion for the field.
Significant projects done at that time:
OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) gathering tool: I learned to extract valuable information from various online sources. This experience helped me understand the importance of data and its implications in the real world.
Real time facial recognition: I have also worked on a project focused on real-time facial recognition. Utilizing computer vision techniques, I developed an application that employed Haar cascades for face tracking and a deep neural network for face recognition against a pre-existing database. This project enhanced my skills in image processing and machine learning.
Smart complaint analyzer: This system had multiple components, including a full-stack application with a Flask backend, Android app, web app, Firebase database, and integrated email and forwarding capabilities. With the integration of natural language processing (NLP), this system was able to analyze and categorize customer complaints efficiently. Through these projects, I have gained hands-on experience in various aspects of software development, including data extraction, computer vision, machine learning, and full-stack development.
Driven by my passion for computer vision, I undertook various projects that involved object tracking, human pose detection, and more. These projects not only provided me with valuable technical skills but also taught me the importance of strong foundations in this exciting field. I realized that in order to excel in computer vision, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the underlying concepts and fundamentals.
life at lohia
As I continue on my journey, I am determined to pursue a Master’s degree in Computer science to further expand my knowledge and expertise. My ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that can positively impact various industries and address real-world challenges.
I am truly passionate about the field of computer vision and the endless possibilities it holds. I am excited to continue learning, exploring, and contributing to this rapidly evolving field. With a strong foundation, practical experience, and an unwavering drive to make a difference, I am ready to embrace new challenges and contribute to the advancement of computer vision technology.
Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, discussions, or any opportunities that align with my interests and aspirations.
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