List of steps
- Read an image from file
- Display an image that you read from file
- Capture Video using your webcam and display the feed
- Display back and white live stream from your webcam.
- Have a slider to change brightness of the webcam live stream. Display.
- Have a slider to change contrast of the webcam live stream. Display.
- Capture a snapshot from your webcam. Then display difference between live video stream and this snapshot. (Background subtraction)
- Display Canny edge image from your live webcam stream
- Have a slider to change smoothness / sharpness of image from live webcam stream.
- Display histogram of colors (RGB) from your live webcam stream
- Perform histogram equalization and display results both raw and equalized.
- Read two different images of same size (taken from your camera). Animate blending between them.
- Build a two object recognizer but using background subtraction and color histogram distances.
- Add edge histogram distances to your two object recognizer above.
- Draw SIFT / ORB / AKAZE keypoints on an image
- Use SIFT feature matching to identify and locate an item in your two item recognizer
- Learn to draw white circles and rectangles on a black image
- Find disconnected blobs in an image
- Draw boundingRect and minAreaRect around each blob in an image
- Given a few random shaped blobs in an image, and one of those random blobs as a template, do template matching to find the location of the blob in the image.